Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My EDM 310 Blog Assignments are Now Complete

I enjoyed the class, I have learned a lot. I didn't know anything about Microsoft Access until I came to this class and you showed us step by step on how to enter and save the information and do the tables, and also Microsoft excel I know we complained about it, but it was well worth learning but those formulas was the worst thing to deal with but all in all our teacher got us through it. But I have learned a lot and thank you Mr. Wakeman, for being patient with the many questions that we asked each night about the assignments that were given.

Week 12

iTunes University will be very helpful in the classroom it helps engage students in learning on the computer at their level or speed. iTunes offers one on one tutorial for the students and teachers to get a better understanding of information that is needed. There is recommenced curriculum for the teachers to help the students to learn better.

iTunes can helpful to my students because they can go beyond and see actual picture or videos instead of going to the boring library, and iTunes keep the children more interested than just reading another old library book. iTunes make everything come to life instead of it being so bland, it also keeps their imagination going.

Week 11

I found that incorporating an Ipod in the classroom can be helpful and hurtful to some students. As for the research that was done by Duke University the Ipod can be used as a digital multimedia that is carried with each student on a daily basis, this can help the students by recording the lectures during class, and study groups etc. The Ipod can hold massive amounts of information. I found that it is most useful in music class for students, whom can study the different types of music instead of just one particular kind of music. Some students found the Ipod to be of great use in the classroom.

The Ipod study show there were lack of awareness or knowledge of how to use the Ipod correctly, and for academic use only. During Duke's study there were problems locating the commerical sources for the information. The Ipod is just the beginning of the technology that teachers and students are able to incorporate in their classroom and the technology will only grow from here.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Week 10

Dr. Christie's information can be Incorporated into the classroom's in many different ways, for example I chose Educational Technologies and Constructive Learning, her key points was to include critical thinking with each student, I can incorporate critical thinking into my classroom by letting the children post different blogs to the Internet or on their blog sites. I would like for my students to take their critical thinking to a new level and to let them know that their is no wrong way for them to express how they feel.

Dr. Christie also express that we as teachers should learn from our mistakes that we make with students. This way students will know that teachers are allowed to make mistakes and learn from them. This is a learning process that teachers and students do together. I will definitely incorporate this into my classroom.

Week 9

Wikipedia is a website that no one can stay away from, I have a whole new outlook on the site. I didn't know that people was hacking into the sites and making modification, at one point. From my perspective I thought the site was safe and secure, and the information that was given could be trusted an accurate. But now from the articles that I have read the site is more secure and you can now trust the information that is being given. If the site is hacked into or any changes that are not supposed to be made,without consent can be traced back to who made the changes. So yes the site can be trusted, and it is resourceful.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Week 8

The blog that i choose to read was from November 2007, about letting the students participate in more activities and be involved in staff meeting, and also the NECC meetings, to help get a better outlook from a students point of view.  The only problem that is presented is that the schools do not have the funds to let the students travel with the teachers, this is were fundraiser should kick in and help the students travel with the teachers and get more involved.

Also Mr. Fisch made a great point even if the students travel there's that liability, the permission from parents to let the child go.  Every parent will not give permission for their child to go, so even if the student is able to travel you have to be concerned about the liability of the child. This blog gave some very valid points.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Week 7

I disagree with Mr. Fisch about teacher's and technology, teachers have enough to do with the academic load that they are given each day.  To now impose technology in the class room is more of a case load, schools today don't have the time or the funding to support technology in each classroom.  
If teacher's had the time to incorporate technology in the classroom then students will lack on something else this will lead to more problems and more criticisms form parents and educators.
Mr. Fisch had some valid points about technology but nothing concrete.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Week 6

International students in Peru are no using blogs to talk to other children around the world and in the US. They are using labtops to do the blogs to show their culture and their way of learning. The students are able to ask questions and get the answers and responses from other students. This gives the students a more greater outlook on the different countries and other cultures. It gives them a taste of the different cultures around the world. The teachers are very satisfied with the international blogs and the responses that they are receiving from other students around the world, they are learning new things that cannot be taught from a text book, but first hand learning experiences from other countries.

Week 5

In Boston, Ma teachers are now using blogs for their benefit as well as their students. Teachers are using the blogs to help busy parents whom may not have the time to come and attend the pta meeting, or when us ask a question about school just says it was okay instead of getting into and in depth conversation with their parents. Their blogs provide the parents with the activities that was done in class that day the rewards that were given to the students for their outstanding achievements, and just to keep the parents updated on whats going on in their classroom on a day to day basis, so the parents can be more involved.


Friday, September 12, 2008

Week 4

Technology of today is already scary, and when i saw that video done by Mr.  Fischer that made it even more scary, than what it already is.  His statics and the questions that he asked made me think twice about my kids education, and will they have a productive future.  I thought the video was honest, real, and scary at the same time.  As i watched the video i asked my self could this be true, is technology taking over the world?  Is it hindering my children , education?

This video was very informative, it opened my eyes on the questions that should be asked to the educators of today, and even the state legislature.  This video is very honest and true, and i enjoyed it, and it enlighten me on the things that i see are not important but in reality they truly are.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Week 3

ACCESS is a website that was developed for teachers and students to interact through distant learning. This website is set up for school whom doesn't offer advance diplomas for for student at their schools. ACCESS give students the opportunity to receive the an advance diploma instead of a general diploma that is offered at their schools.

The teachers that teach these course are well certified teachers. Students are able to interact via video, email with certified teachers all over Alabama. Students do their course work before or after school, they are able to email teachers, do quizzes and interact with their teachers through video.

This website is great, i like it because it give kids a goal to reach for instead of taking what is offered and not settling for less. This website is very user friendly, and even the parents can take a look at the different courses that are offered to their children.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Week 2

The Alabama Learning Exchange website or best known as ALEX, is a sight that is set up for educators that teach all grade levels and teach any course of study. From mathematics to language arts this sight has it all. You are able to browse through the different course of study, to either look at the different examples or to even set up a lesson plan.

For example a Mathematics teacher can click on the mathematics icon, go to the grade level that he or she prefers and look at the different examples of math problems, and he or she can even set up a lesson plan through this page as well

There is also the professional learning page this page you can look at the different grant oppturnties for educators. And there is also a suport round table, you are able to get the lastest news and the lates in learning materials that is avaible to help you become a better teacher. This website is very user friendly and it offers so many methods to help teachers become even better at what they can do in their classroom. ALEX is a very useful and resouceful resource sight to use and visit for all educators.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

EDM 310-502

My name is Yesmen Tucker, I'm the mother of two girls Kennedy who is 7, and Mariah who is 2. I love my girls they are my life and my reason for going back to school to teach and to further my education. My goal is to become a Physical education teacher, I think that our kids should be more aware of their health and physical fitness especially in this world today.I love to shop, spend time with my girls and family.

I love to take my kids on vacations so they can see different parts of the world, especially Disney that's our favorite vacation spot. I love to enjoy life to the fullest, because tomorrow is not promised to anyone. I love to watch my kids as they grow and change everyday, and how their personality is are developing on a day to day basis.

I'm very laid back i like to sit and watch my surrounding. I'm into my kids education i'm that mom that ask question and be at those PTA meetings on Tuesday. And each educator that I have spoken with always say you can tell which parents are involved and which ones are not.

And I hope once I become that educator that all of my parents will be involved in their child's education. I hope to graduate in the fall of 2009, and teach in Mobile where I was born and raised. And I would love to pass on the life lessons that I have learned myself and my girls.